Source code for skmonaco.uniform

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import numpy.random

from . import _mc
from .mc_base import _MC_Base
import skmonaco.random_utils as random_utils

__all__ = [ "mcquad" ]

class _MC_Integrator(_MC_Base):

    def __init__(self,f,npoints,xl,xu,args=(),
        self.f = f
        self.npoints = int(npoints)
        self.xl = np.array(xl)
        self.xu = np.array(xu)
        if rng is None:
            self.rng = numpy.random
            self.rng = rng
        self.args = args
        if len(self.xl) != len(self.xu):
            raise ValueError("'xl' and 'xu' must be the same length.")
        if self.npoints < 2:
            raise ValueError("'npoints' must be >= 2.")
        self.seed_generator = random_utils.SeedGenerator(seed)

    def make_integrator(self):
        f = self.f
        batches = self.batch_sizes
        xl = self.xl
        xu = self.xu
        def func(batch_number):
            seed = self.seed_generator.get_seed_for_batch(batch_number)
            return _mc.integrate_uniform(f,batches[batch_number],
        return func

[docs]def mcquad(f,npoints,xl,xu,args=(),rng=None,nprocs=1, seed=None,batch_size=None): """ Compute a definite integral. Integrate `f` in a hypercube using a uniform Monte Carlo method. Parameters ---------- f : function The integrand. It must take an iterable of length `d`, where `d` is the dimensionality of the integral, as argument, and return either a float or a numpy array. npoints : int Number of points to use for the integration. xl, xu : iterable Iterable of length `d`, where `d` is the dimensionality of the integrand, denoting the bottom left corner and upper right corner of the integration region. Other Parameters ---------------- nprocs : int >= 1, optional Number of processes to use concurrently for the integration. Use nprocs=1 to force a serial evaluation of the integral. This defaults to 1. seed : int, iterable or None Seed for the random number generator. Running the integration with the same seed guarantees that identical results will be obtained (even if nprocs is different). If the argument is absent, this lets the random number generator handle the seeding. If the default rng is used, this means the seed will be read from `/dev/random`. rng : module or class, optional Random number generator. Must expose the attributes `seed` and `ranf`. The ``numpy.random`` module by default. batch_size : int, optional The integration is batched, meaning that `batch_size` points are generated, the integration is run with these points, and the results are stored. Each batch is run by a single process. It may be useful to reduce `batch_size` if the dimensionality of the integration is very large. args : list List of arguments to pass to `f` when integrating. Returns ------- value : float or numpy array. The estimate for the integral. If the integrand returns an array, this will be an array of the same shape. error : float or numpy array An estimate for the error (the integral has, approximately, a 0.68 probability of being within `error` of the correct answer). Examples -------- Integrate x*y over the unit square. The true value is 1./4. >>> mcquad(lambda x: x[0]*x[1], npoints=20000, xl=[0.,0.],xu=[1.,1.]) (0.24966..., 0.0015488...) Calculate pi/4 by summing over all points in the unit circle that are within 1 unit of the origin. >>> mcquad(lambda x: 1 if sum(x**2) < 1 else 0., ... npoints=20000, xl=[0.,0.], xu=[1.,1.]) (0.78550..., 0.0029024...) >>> np.pi/4. 0.7853981633974483 The integrand can return an array. This can be used to calculate several integrals at once. >>> result, error = mcquad( ... lambda x: np.exp(-x**2)*np.array((1.,x**2,x**4,x**6)), ... npoints=20000, xl=[0.], xu=[1.]) >>> result array([ 0.7464783 , 0.18945015, 0.10075603, 0.06731908]) >>> error array([ 0.0014275 , 0.00092622, 0.00080145, 0.00069424]) """ return _MC_Integrator(f,npoints,args=args,